Shop|Stone Repair & Mastics|Womersleys Brick/Stone Repair Mix 5Kg

Womersleys Brick/Stone Repair Mix 5Kg

From£16.00 + VAT

Colour swatches

colour swatch for Womersleys Brick/Stone Repair Mix 5Kg colour swatch for Womersleys Brick/Stone Repair Mix 5Kg

Womersleys Brick/Stone Repair Mix 5Kg

From£16.00 + VAT
Womersleys Brick/Stone Repair Mix
Product Name
Portland 5Kg
Light Portland 5Kg
Air 5Kg
Millstone Light 5Kg
Millstone 5Kg
Cotswold 5Kg
Cotswold Gold 5Kg
Sandstone 5Kg
Light Yorkshire 5Kg
Sand Drift 5Kg
Ochre Rose 5Kg
Yorkshire 5Kg
Half Bathstone 5Kg
Bathstone 5Kg
Bradstone 5Kg
Cornish 5Kg
Onyx 5Kg
Earth Red 5Kg
Brick Red 5Kg
Cheshire Red 5Kg
Redsand 5Kg
Hamstone 5Kg
Quarry Red 5Kg
Plain 5Kg
Dark Portland 5Kg

Womersley’s Stone Repair Mix

Womersley’s brick and stone repair mortar is a blend of natural minerals and aggregates in a natural hydraulic lime binder. It contains absolutely no cement therefore your repairs will be totally breathable and vapour permeable. Womersley’s natural lime repair mortar can be carved, sanded, dressed and shaped like stone or brick to give a uniquely convincing look and feel. Used for patching or creating “blocks” of stone or brick effect, rather than applying as a continuous render coat. Consumption: Approximately 1.7kg of dry mortar is required per litre. Storage: Store in a dry place free from damp and drafts. Use within 6 months.


Wear suitable PPE, including gloves, dust mask and goggles. Do not breath the dust. Wash any dust or mixed materials off skin straight away with plenty of clean water. Wash tools with clean water

Surface Preparation:

Remove any lose masonry. Stone or bricks which are heavily salt contaminated may not be suitable, test on a small area first. Highly porous backgrounds should be primed the day before. Ensure the background is suitable for supporting the weight of the new material (10mm of Contour over 1m2 weigh approx. 20kg).Lightly damp the background, before applying with a hawk and trowel. Mixing: Mix in a drum mixer or by paddle mixer, avoid creating excessive dust. Carefully add the powder to clean water, using no more than 6 litres per 25kg bag. Mix for between 2 and 5 minutes until a workable consistency is achieved. Do not re-work. Do not use in temperatures less than 3ºC or over 25ºC.


Coats should be a minimum of 6mm and no more than 30mm. For multiple coats key each coat and apply green on green. For carved or cut back finishes apply the mix slightly beyond the finished levels. As the mortar hardens work with different tools to the desired shape and finish. Prevent from drying out too rapidly, covering with hessian or mortar fleece if necessary. Protect from frost for at least 7 day

All colours are made to order 

Due to the use of natural materials in our products there is often some slight variation between colours and batches. whilst mortars are made to the same recipe you can get differences in colour.

We always reccomend you do a test panel to ensure a good match