Hessian Roll 46m

From£40.00 + VAT

Hessian Roll 46m

From£40.00 + VAT
To protect from winter and cold working conditions
Product Name

Jute Hessian Roll 137cm x 46 Metres (200GSM)

Hessian is a loose woven fabric made from the skin of the jute plant. It's a very robust material that can withstand repeated wetting and drying without compromising its the integrity of the fabric, becuase of this it has gained much notoriaty in the construction industry for its ability to aid the curing of lime mortars and renders. Hessian is a great product to use in the after care of your lime mortars as it can help keep the fresh lime dry aiding it to cure faster.

It is a great way to protect mortar, acting as:

  • A frost blanket during the cold winter months.
  • A humidity cover when wetted down during the summer months, preventing mortars from drying out too quickly;  which is one of the most common causes of failure in lime mortars.
  • A wind break to reduce the action of wind drying; a very important step for the appropriate curing of lime mortars and renders.

Product Description: 6oz Woven Hessian
Raw Material: 100% Jute Fibre – Cellulose 84%/Lignin 14% Other 2%
Fabric Weight: 200g/m2 (+/- 5%)
Appearance: Woven fabric
Fabric width: 100/137/183cm
Construction: 39 x 39 threads/10cms
Core: No internal core
Roll Length: 46 Meter
Presentation: All rolls wrapped in plastic