Buff Lime Mortar 25kg Bag
Buff Lime Mortar
Buff Lime Mortar is a dry pre-mixed lime mortar made from Hydraulic Lime NHL 3.5 (Medium) or NHL 5 (Strong) blended with kiln dried sand. The sands, which are 3mm down, are always pre washed to remove sediment before being dried and the result is a very workable mortar, with a unique black cinders colour. Traditionally fuel ash or coal ash was added to lime to act as a pozzolan and darken the colour, the cinders colour is achieved by addition of natural pigments in the manufacturing process.
A 25kg bag will yield approx 14 litres of mortar sufficient to repoint 3-5m2.
Before pointing remove all dust and loose material from joints. Dampen the area to be repointed first to help curing.
Mixing can take place in a tub or mixer. Use between 4-5 litres of clean water per 25kg . Add the water slowly, using just enough to achieve a workable mix. Lime mortars benefit from being left for 15mins to fatten after mixing and can be reworked for upto 4 hours.
To ensure good compaction and adhesion the mortar can be tampered firmly with a bristle brush as it starts to firm up, normally after 4 hours, this process also brings the sharp aggregate to the surface creating a lovely textured finish.
- Resistant to salts
- Application temperature range 5-30 C
- Protect against strong sunlight, heavy rain, frost with hessian