Shop|Mortars|Womersleys Coloured Mortars|Ironstone Medium Strength Pre Mixed Lime Mortar Bulk

Ironstone Medium Strength Pre Mixed Lime Mortar Bulk

From£400.00 + VAT
Fully Breathable and Durable natural lime mortar for repointing & construction in Bulk bags, 3 to 5 working days lead time.
Product Name
Ironstone Old White
Ironstone Lite
Ironstone Chalk
Ironstone Pebble
Ironstone Light Brown
Ironstone Yorkshire
Ironstone Cream
Ironstone Sandstone

Ironstone Medium Strength Pre Mixed Lime Mortar Bulk


Womersley’s Ironstone range with medium strength Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL 3.5).  The NHL 3.5 binder from both St Astier and Socli is blended with kiln dried Grit and River sand, which are 4mm down. The sands are prewashed to remove sediment before being dried and the result is a very workable mortar with reduced risk of shrinkage. 

Ironstone premixed mortars are batch blended for consistency, naturally coloured and contain a range of sands to give the desired finish and texture.


A bulk bag will yield approx. 560 litres of mortar sufficient to repoint 120-160m2. One tonne of mortar will lay 900-1200 bricks.


Before pointing remove all dust and loose material from joints. Dampen the area to be repointed first to help curing.


Mixing can take place in a tub or mixer. If you don't require the full amount of mortar just take out what's required and seal the plastic bag within the bulk bag. Use between 4-5 litres of clean water per 25kg or approx.

Add the water slowly, using just enough to achieve a workable mix. Lime mortars benefit from being left for 15 mins to fatten after mixing and can be reworked for up to 4 hours.

To ensure good compaction and adhesion the mortar can be tampered firmly with a bristle brush as it starts to firm up, normally after 4 hours, this process also brings the sharp aggregate to the surface creating a lovely textured finish.

Ideal pointing iron for this product - Co-Me Pointing Iron

Bucket Trowel - Bucket Trowel

Brushed effect finish to expose the aggregates can be achieved with a churn brush - Churn Brush

Ironstone Mortar also available in 25Kg bags - Link Here


Masonry walls built with Ironstone Lime Mortar provide:

  • Improved breathability
  • Protection of masonry from frost and damp damage 
  • Long term durability
  • Reduced susceptibility to sulphate attack
  • Naturally flexibility reducing the chance of cracking
  • Suitable for use in listed and heritage buildings
  • Environmentally friendly - Lime mortars actively absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.

Please visit individual listings for each Ironstone on the website for multiple bag rates and specific details of binders and aggregates.

We always reccomend you do a test panel to ensure a good match