Shop|Renders and Plasters|Adaptavate Breathaplasta Smooth 20kg

Adaptavate Breathaplasta Smooth 20kg

From£23.60 + VAT

Adaptavate Breathaplasta Smooth 20kg

From£23.60 + VAT
Product Name
20kg Bag
Full Pallet (50 bags)

Adaptavate Breathaplasta Smooth 


A high-quality fine finishing plaster for internal use to achieve an attractive smooth or fine polished surface finish.

Quick and easy to use. A fast setting time allows for fast and efficient completion in as little as 3 hrs from start to finish.Well suited as the top coat finishing plaster for most internal walls and ceilings. Typically applied as the skim finish to a lime plaster system. Can be used to skim over old lime plaster walls and ceilings.

Easy two-coat skim finish for plasterboard. Apply base coat at 1-2mm, top coat at 1 2mm and trowel to a smooth finish. Saves time and labour on installation. Sets in just under 60 minutes. Attractive smooth surface finish. Fine-grained 2-3mm application. Water vapour permeable. Ideal renovating plaster for older buildings. Well suited to a range of backgrounds. Trowel to a smooth finish or sponge float.


15 m² @ 3mm thick