Shop|Renders and Plasters|Adaptavate Breathaplasta Thermal

Adaptavate Breathaplasta Thermal

From£19.99 + VAT

Technical Guides

Breathaplasta Thermal

Adaptavate Breathaplasta Thermal

From£19.99 + VAT
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Product Name
Breathaplasta Thermal

Breathaplasta Thermal

Breathaplasta Thermal is a quick setting, low density plaster designed for rapid build-up on the internal face of solid walls. Maximum thickness per coat is 40mm and multiple coats can be applied in a single day with approximately two hours setting time per coat. Typical application is 80mm total thickness in two or
more passes of the trowel (base coat 40mm and top coat 40mm).

Why use Breathaplasta Thermal? 

  • Quick and easy way to improve your U-value.
  • Highly insulating thermal base layer well suited to all solid masonry
    walls. Measured K-value of 0.127 W/mK.
  • A simple Internal Wall Insulation (IWI) system that breathes
    with you in your building.

Coverage per 9kg bag (approx.)

  • 2m2 10mm thickness
  • 1m2 20mm thickness
  • 0.67m2 30mm thickness
  • 0.5m2 40mm thickness


  • Store in original packaging (unopened).
  • Keep warm, dry and raised off the ground.
  • Storage time: 6 months in original packaging.


Technical Guides

Breathaplasta Thermal